Tuesday, May 12, 2009

New RM Math Player Launched at the NCTM 2009 Annual Conference

Thank you to everyone who stopped by the RM Education booth at the NCTM annual conference in Washington DC and making this a record best! And WOW what a great event it was! With more than 11,800 attendees, the new RM Math Player was well received with sessions filled throughout the day. Always a crowd favorite, the best seller RM Easiteach and Singin’ and Signin’ presentations had attendees engaging with every presentation.

Through May 31, 2009 please be sure to take advantage of our NCTM special pricing, including the RM Classpad and RM Easiteach bundle, as well as on our new RM Math Player featuring over 400 interactive lessons for each grade or subject and aligned with NCTM and state standards. When ordering, please use code NCTM09.

If you are interested in learning more about RM Education, request a copy of our first full line catalog containing a wide range of transformational solutions and services that will bring your classroom to life; making teaching more effective and learning more fun. To request a catalog please visit us at www.rmeducation.com/catalog or by calling 866-728-6758.

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