Saturday, February 9, 2008

RM Easiteach Secondary Content Pack

The highly anticipated RM Easiteach Secondary Content Pack was released at TCEA to very good reviews. More than $2m of development has gone into the lastest RM Content pack and this is very visible in the High Quality Flash Lessons and Activities. The pack focuses on teaching concepts that are difficult to teach without the use of interactive technologies in Math, ELA and Science.

The new Science lessons and activities have been designed to help teach difficult concepts or to create virtual experiments such as photosynthesis. The Math activities have been developed from the new RM Math Framework Edition Digital Curriculum and are fully aligned and correlated to all state standards. The ELA content has been produced in association with leading ELA teachers in the US and again use high quality flash lessons to motivate and engage students.
RM Easiteach Secondary Content pack requires RM Easiteach 3.3 or then newly released 3.4.
It is priced at $1000 per school site licence until 31st March for early adopters.
For more information on where to purchase RM Easiteach Secondary Pack, please go to

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