Thursday, February 21, 2008

RM Podium V2 Released

RM is pleased to announce the latest version of RM Podium, the dedicated K-12 solution for educational podcasting.
The use of podcasting in the classroom is growing dramatically as educators increasingly see how the benefits of podcasting can extend teaching and learning beyond the classroom.
Current uses of RM Podium is with classroom audio systems where the teacher can hit record and teach the lesson normally and then publish the lesson to enable the students to review back for reinforcement and revision purposes.
Students can use RM Podium to record daily diaries, document fieldwork and work on collaborative projects for review within the school.
School principles can also using RM Podium to release announcements as podcasts for students, parents and the wider community.
RM Podium V2 now offers multi-track recording and editing allowing much broader podcasts to be published. Multiple tracks allow voice on one track, sound effects on another and a music track on another for example, greatly increasing the effectiveness of RM Podium in the classroom and beyond.

To download the latest 30 demo version of RM Podium, click HERE

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