Monday, February 11, 2008

RM Podium makes the pages of eschoolnews

FETC 2008: Multimedia, presentation, and video tools
From eSchool News staff reports

RM demonstrated its Podium podcasting solution, a PC-based application designed for the education market. The software allows teachers and students of any age to create, edit, and publish podcasts—all from the same simple interface. Besides enabling students to demonstrate what they’ve learned and develop their creativity by using audio to express themselves, teachers can use Podium to communicate with parents regularly by posting class or school updates on the web. They also can publish lesson guides to help students who might have missed sessions through absence or who simply need reinforcement when completing homework assignments. Podium’s scripting tool, which allows students to assign parts of their podcast to different members of the group, helps facilitate group projects. For example, if students are recording a passage from Shakespeare as one of their podcasting episodes, they are able to color-code the text on screen for different characters, so each person knows when it’s his or her turn to speak.

Click HERE for the full article

Click HERE for more information on the new RM Podium that now includes multitracking!

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